LSL offers several strategic services that will help you achieve your goals. These are development approaches with a built-in results-focus that we deliver to executive and management teams as well as front line groups. Strategies include:
EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify and understand your emotions, allowing you to more effectively manage those emotions and hence your behavior. It represents the difference between average and high-performing leaders in today's business world. more >
360 LEADERSHIP. Our one-on-one assessment and training or coaching program is designed to develop the people and business leadership skills identified as most crucial to current and emerging leaders, towards the overall goal of strong peer, direct report and management relationships. more >
PROCESS MANAGEMENT. Today's business environment requires adaptability. With acquisitions and reorgs, process and system streamlining and staffing changes, you need to ensure employees are aligned and working collectively towards company goals. This means you need to create efficient processes that are effective, have the buy-in of staff and match the organization's cultural norms. more >
STRATEGY ACTIVATION. Here, our strategy is all about your strategy. This service includes the option of various formats of presentation to every level of your organization for the purpose of linking strategic direction and priorities to day-to-day jobs. more >