Assessment Surveys

...Our Action Research Survey Packages provide you with the data you need to make effective decisions and take appropriate action to improve performance...

Experience has shown that an effective assessment is one that asks the right people the right questions and then translates responses into meaningful reports and recommendations that stimulate desired action. By surveying a representative sample of your employees, we clarify your success areas, challenges, and a clear path for improving skills, behaviors, and results for your company or department – ensuring implementation and development activities are on target and effective.

We start by creating a baseline measure of your current and desired performance so that you can identify opportunities for improvement. We then provide you with relevant data for decision making

Approach & Services

Each client situation is unique, which is why we don't use off-the-shelf surveys. Instead, we use a three-step approach to customize the survey content to address your particular needs:

Step One – Discover & Assess Your Needs

  • Conduct interviews and focus groups to discover your current and desired performance, as well as your unique issues, needs, and opportunities
  • Design and distribute a customized online survey to a representative sample of your target population
  • Analyze results and create demographic breakouts as needed

Step Two – Report Results & Recommendations

  • Generate reports for your overall company, department, or team to clarify survey findings and recommended action
  • Present a leadership feedback and activation session to align leaders with the results and engage them in the improvement process

Step Three – Assist You to Plan & Act on Results

  • Dialogue with appropriate stakeholders to determine your development/implementation priorities
  • Create an Action Plan based on assessment results, and priorities to guide your improvement efforts
  • Deliver follow up LSL services as needed to support your Action Plan

Phase Two consists of action-planning and implementation based on the assessment results. Out of a dialogue with appropriate stakeholders or management, who decide development priorities, we then assist with implementation via one or more of our services.

Types of Assessment Surveys

Resources and Technology

Our Action Research technology includes proprietary software that provides you with rapid and cost-effective processing of survey results. Together with the professional knowledge and experience of our consultants, this is a powerful survey approach for facilitating action and improvement.

Our consultants use their:

  • Psychometric Skills to compose and test survey questions that produce desired information in a language appropriate and understandable for the survey respondents
  • Statistical Skills to isolate survey trends through descriptive and advance statistical methods
  • Experience to translate your survey results into simple, precise, usable reports for leader decision-making and action
  • Presentation and Team Problem-Solving Skills to present and engage your leaders and employees with the survey results and to guide them in resolving problems and taking action


The Leadership Services Ltd. Action Research Consultants are professionals with over 40 years of combined experience in assessment work. Each has unique abilities and experience in survey design, administration, analysis, and action planning. They hold advanced degrees in industrial psychology, organizational communication, research & statistics, and organization development. Our primary Action Research survey consultants are: